This is merely an example of the typical US physician assistant curriculum. Each accredited school will design their programs as needed to suit administrative objectives, goals, approach or other.


The first fifteen months (four semesters) of the curriculum are devoted to the preclinical studies of the basic medical and clinical science necessary for practice as a physician assistant. The final twelve months (three semesters) of the curriculum are full-time clinical experiences in primary care, medicine and surgery.

Preclinical Studies

Fall I
PA601 - Human Anatomy 4.0
PA602 - Physiology and Mechanisms of Disease I 3.0
PA615 - Physical Diagnosis 4.0
PA630 - PA History & Professional Issues 2.0
PA617 - Interpersonal Communication 2.0
Total units 15.0

PA603 - Microbiology and Infectious Disease 3.0
PA604 - Physiology and Mechanisms of Disease II 3.0
PA608 - Pharmacology I 3.0
PA620 - Medicine I 4.0
PA660 - Integrating Seminar I 1.0
PA646 - Behavioral Medicine 3.0
Total units 17.0

PA621 - Medicine II 4.0
PA609 - Pharmacology II 3.0
PA690 - Research Methods 3.0
PA628 - Diagnostic Methods 3.0
PA624 - Geriatrics 2.0
PA661 - Integrating Seminar II 1.0
Total units 16.0

Fall II
PA622 - Pediatrics 3.0
PA623 - Obstetrics/Gynecology 3.0
PA625 - Surgery 4.0
PA626 - Emergency Medicine 3.0
PA627 - Policies and Systems of US Healthcare 2.0
PA662 - Integrating Seminar III 1.0
PA629 - Clinical Skills Lab I 1.0
Total units 17.0


Clinical Year

The 12 month long clinical phase is composed of seven required and two elective rotations. Rotations* are completed in inpatient and outpatient settings, long term care centers, and emergency departments. Required rotations are:

P680 - Family Medicine Clerkship 2.0
PA681 - Internal Medicine Clerkship 2.0
PA682 - General Surgery Clerkship 2.0
PA683 - Pediatric Clerkship 2.0
PA684 - Geriatric Clerkship 2.0
PA685 - Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship 2.0
PA686 - Emergency Medicine Clerkship 2.0
PA687 - Elective I 2.0
PA688 - Elective II 2.0
Total units 18.0


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